Meliá in the flesh of performance, in attrition and the poetics of diversion
interculturality, performance, poetry, Bartomeu MeliàAbstract
This essay starts from an undisciplined approach to sketch a reflection on what the Meliá World provokes in me in the face of the resurgence of current violence against ancestral cultures and the lures of modernity. By introducing questions, perhaps not as significant in the eyes of specialists such as performance, I allow myself to read the approach of Bartomeu Meliá, the Jesuit linguist and anthropologist who invites the receiver to feel intimately the spaces of the language and culture of the Guarani in the countryside and in the city, starting from a report on the violence against the Aché-Guayaki with a genealogy of the missions, for example. In contemporaneity, reflections on the colonial wound make it possible to associate Bartomeu Meliá with Pierre Clastres, French ethnologist who traces another route on beliefs, violence and miths , embarking on a critique of the lack of limits of European institutions in relation to other cultures. since, in their difference, both invoke a wisdom that sets up a way of knowing by demolishing, a way of defending by resisting, a way of questioning myths of modernity in society against /without a State or to change the subject through the decoloniality of being at the heart of the poem.
Keywords: Interculturality; Performance; Poetry ; Bartomeu Meliá
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