Intercultural encounters between indigenous Kaingang and non-indigenous: the ties in a perspectivist and synchronic thinking
educação, sincronicidade, escrita colaborativa, interculturalidadeAbstract
The dialogue between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, in academic spaces, can welcome new ways of thinking in the fields of education and research. Methodological changes present themselves in the form of making science, considering the synchronic movements that approach the researchers and potentialize the investigation and the publication coming from these changes. The writing of this document, which has the participation of a Kaingang indigenous, master student in Education, of a Ph.D. in Education researcher and the supervisor, is an exercise that morphs thoughts and actions, on an approach to the Amerindian being. The conjunction of reflections presented has extended the meanings of learning, aiming to develop, in the educational field, the coliving and the integration of what apparently doesn’t fit together: the indigenous world and the non-indigenous, in the scope of the symbolic thinking.
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