“Shaman-woman”: Cosmopolitics of the body at the party of the wira’u haw Tenetehar- Tembé





shaman-woman, body, cosmopolitics, party of the wira’u haw


This article analyzes the body transformation/fabrication processes of the woman Tembé in the feast of the Wira'u Haw to constitute “shaman-woman”. Based on the notion of person and corporeality, the ethnography of the ritual in the Teko-Haw and Sede villages, and the mythical narratives, I try to understand the agencies, the points of view, and the capacities that the bodies of the “young girls” potentiate, in the co-relations with the Karuwar(s): Zawar/jaguar/shaman and Zahy/moon/shaman, and with the spirit of Verônica Tembé in the sociocosmic system. It is through the cosmopolitics of the body that the “young girl”, in the three phases of the ritual, the stakeout, the porridge festival, and the festival of the moqueado, learns, with the “old women”, to build her co-existence of woman-shaman.

Author Biography

Vanderlúcia da Silva Ponte, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Doutorado em Centre de Recherche Sur L'action Locale, Université Paris 13 (Paris-Nord) − Campus de Villetaneuse, Paris 13, França. Doutorado em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Professora adjunta da UFPA, na Faculdade de História, Campus Universitário de Bragança, PA.


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How to Cite

Ponte, V. da S. (2022). “Shaman-woman”: Cosmopolitics of the body at the party of the wira’u haw Tenetehar- Tembé. Tellus, 22(47), 35–60. https://doi.org/10.20435/tellus.v22i47.771