Racial justice in Cuban Higher education. International collaboration from the National University of Tres de Febrero of Argentina
Racism, Bell, Higher Education, UNESCO Chair, GenderAbstract
Experience included within the Second and Third Campaign to Overcome Racism sponsored by the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Latin America of the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). It shows foundations and actions to mainstream social justice that overcomes inequities due to racial discrimination. Cuba was represented in the aforementioned campaigns by the University of Holguin. The realization team integrated work groups, in which twenty higher education centers or institutes participated, such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, among others, whose collaboration helped to strengthen the cultural integration of the area. The proposal adopted as supports: legal frameworks corresponding to international agendas and conventions to which Cuba is a signatory; in the national case, they are expressed among others in the Constitution, decrees, programs and national strategies. In the theoretical order, it is based on contributions of Latin American thought such as the decolonial perspective. In the methodological order, the synthesis shown here was supported by the realization of a communication system, teaching activities, academic dissemination and postgraduate actions. Its central objective is oriented to promote sensitivity regarding social justice that overcomes racist conceptions and practices in Higher Education.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marybexy, Rafael Lorenzo Martín , Aida Teresa Torralbas Fernández
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